giovedì 30 aprile 2015

☆ EVA New Group GIFT ☆

Coooome to get your New Group Gift!!
From the next round you will can find also
other Gifts offered from designers partecipating in the round ^-^
 Put the tag on your head and come to get this one, now!!

☆ MANIAC New Entry of EVA ☆

Yayyy, yes we have also this fabolous brand
i this new round of EVA Room!! =D
You aboloutly have to see it, it has at its stand
4 really beautiful Exclusive items, with many versions for each one.
 You can also mix and match them
to have for result a really sexy look!

☆L'Anguisette in EVA ROUND #3☆

The EVA Room is back again with this NEW 3rd Round!!!
So comooooon, come back to the room to join the NEWs...
We would like this time to start introducing
the NEW Exclusive PROMO by L'Anguisette,
that is a new beautiful set of Nails Polish 
for Slink Hands! ^-^
It is on the shades of dark pinks,
with hud containing 8 different tones!!
At special price ONLY for this NEW Round
and ONLY @ EVA Room...
Don't miss is and Stay TUNED for
all the other New Promos !! ^-^
 teleport below the pic...

domenica 26 aprile 2015

☆L'Anguisette items in EVA ROUND #2☆

L'Anguisette put for this 2nd round of EVA Room
this beautiful set of 8 Nails polish =)
On the pink and red shade...
perfect for every look you have to combine
to take always the right care to your slink hands ^-^

What are you waiting for?
You absoloutly have to get them,
so run now here !
L'Anguisette @ EVA Room

☆MEN items in EVA ROUND #2☆

At EVA Room there's also some items for our boys!!
So Ashmoot put this exclusive
PROMO on these latest realizes,
leather jacket with 5 versions to choose...

Come to try the FREE DEMO available
at the stand... ;)


WTB for this round put a super fashion blouse
many versions of fabric and colors to choose...
To describe better the blouses
it's better only see them with your eyes,
in the pic and teleporting below at the EVA Room

Ruuuuuuuuun to get them at special price!!

☆FLRN Design in EVA ROUND #2☆

This is the creation put from FLRN design
for this round of EVA Room =)
A beautiful tube dress in many color versions,
so now you have only to decide which one/s
your favourites ^-^
 Come to the spot to try the dress DEMO ;)


Another new entry in EVA Room,
Coco Shapes!!
It's sure you know it,
it has at the spot these exclusive creations...

Don't miss them,
teleport @ its spot now!

☆D.D Design in EVA ROUND #2☆

One of the new entries in fashion and in EVA
Room is this brand, D.D Design.
It put available OMEGA Appliers,
at the spot it has many items to choose:
skinny Pants, body suits, lingerie, heels...
all super sexy things!

Don't hesitate to see them and get them
for this special price =)

mercoledì 22 aprile 2015

☆Drua's Fashion in EVA ROUND #2☆

Druaaaa is one of the other new brands
that partecipateat the EVA Room!! ^-^
It has at its spot 2 beautiful outfits!!
One for girls and one for men.

 They are in cowboy style
and we always love this country style!!
It's ONLY for 85L, when you can refind these
beautiful creations at so low cost, full outfit INCLUDED!!
Camon ;)

martedì 21 aprile 2015


Yesssss, there will be more often
And this one is the first one,
you have just to come @ the Room,
Join for FREE the EVA Group and then you
can get the GIFT on the pouf ^-^

☆Eternal Dream in EVA ROUND #2☆

This time Eternal Dream put 2 new and
exclusive sets of poses for our Room!
They like them so much, they are
sooo niiice!! ^-^
They are called Reiko and if you want
you can test them at the eternal Dream spot,
here @ EVA Room ;)


In this round of EVA we have also the new partecipation
 of the brand PELLE ! =)
It has at its spot: a beautiful head jewel,
a gorgeous skin, in its different versions of makeup
and with many appliers package
and last but not less important...a beautiful long side positioned hair!
You will not find them at these special prices, comon giiiirls ^-^
See pic and teleport below...

domenica 19 aprile 2015

☆Damn&Sweet in EVA ROUND #2☆

 What Damn&Sweet put for this 2nd round of EVA Room?
This sexy jeans ripped shorts!!!
They come in 6 different separated versions of jeans color,
you can choose your favourite one, or get all of them
being at this special price of 99L only!!!
They are high quality and with all applier huds.
Yes! All appliers you want...,
see them with your eyes and teleport below ;)

sabato 18 aprile 2015

☆Vestige & Looser in ROUND #2☆

In this round we have many kind of items:
nails, makeup, skin, shape, hair, clothing, elegant, casual, poses.....

Now we are going to introducing 2 brands that put for this round of EVA 
Room urban and casual sexy items...

This is Vestige with 2 packs with super sexy poses 
and another one for bat,
theay are as always well done and perfect for your pics
and the ones with your friends.

Then Looser, new brand of this round at EVA,
and we are really happy to have it with us,
because it put at its stand these 2 beautiful and glam
versions packages of belt minidresses!!

venerdì 17 aprile 2015

☆Sartoria Italiana & Xen's Hats in ROUND #2☆

This is Sartoria Italiana with this beautiful and elegant evening dress!
It is rigged mesh dress in black with sparckle silver draw on the top...
it is chic, classy and sexy =)

And for this round #2, of EVA Room, we have also an
elegant tiara by Xen's Hats creations,
it let us dream to be a princess for one time ^-^
This beautiful and precious jewel available in different gem colors
and you can also perfeclty mix the tiara with the dress 
of Sartoria Italiana, that we introduced over here.

You will not find them at the same special prices,
so get them till 26th april here at EVA Room,
click the pic to enlarge it and teleport below the pic...

giovedì 16 aprile 2015

☆EVA/ CNZ for ROUND #2☆

We open this 2nd round of EVA Room introducing you 
the brand "CNZ", partecipating in this round
with 2 faboulous looks, in sexy casual clothing,
they are available at the room spot and gacha, for a really low price!
You have to see them and if you like them come to get them ,
now that you can with this special occasion ;)
Teleport below the pics

☆EVA - ROUND #2 is StarteD☆

Yayyy, we are open again!!
So what are you waiting for??!!
Cooome to see the many NEW designers proposals,
you can't miss them!!
Remember that they are LIMITED time ONLY!
This items round is from 16th april to 26thapril.
Here is the taxi to our EVA... ^-^

domenica 12 aprile 2015

☆EVA - ROUND #1 - Xen's Hats☆

We have also e specialist on hats for this new EVA Events,
so Xen's Hats give you a special occasion,
these never out fashion hats for the special price of 75L each one!
You can't miss them, choose you fevourite one/sand teleport below ^-^ 

Xen's Hats @ EVA


For this first round of EVA, the brand M&M presented these beautiful dresses,
youcan here them here below and you can find them
at the room till all the 12th April, run run run,
ONLY till this date you will find them at this
PROMO prices!! =)
Mesh dresses and dresses with Appliers too =)
Teleport to see them InWorld:


Wertina is one of partecipating brands on EVA Events and for this first round it presents
these beautiful dresses from its collection! =)
Till 12th April you can find :
> dresses on the left at 90L ONLY
> dresses on the right at 79L ONLY
High quality items at exceptional prices!!
Taxi below the pics... ;)

lunedì 6 aprile 2015

☆EVA - ROUND: till 12 APRIL 2015☆

In this round of EVA you can find these items in special and exclusive PROMO!!
Coming here you can see many more fashinating items...